




  1. 任持自性—保持自体的自性(各自的本性)不改变,依此解法指具有自性的一切存在[3]
  2. 轨生物解—规范人伦,令人产生对一定事物理解之根据,依此解法指认识之标准、规范、法则等。
  3. 六境中法是指对应第六种感官意识的对境,六境指眼耳鼻舌身意,其对境为色声香味触法。
  4. 因明用语,性质属性之意。
  5. 释迦牟尼的教法,即三宝中的正法








  1. 佛光教科书[永久失效链接]》:法,梵语“达磨”,意译为“轨则”。法的定义很多,广义而言,泛指宇宙万有,亦即世间的森罗万象,大到高山海洋,小到微尘砂粒,乃至我人的精神、思想、观念、见解等,都称为“法”。所以,一朵花、一颗树,一桌一椅、一人一事,乃至一个念头等,都称之为“法”。本课所讲的是三宝中的法宝──“佛法”。
  2. 《大智度论》:“若闻驮(驮)字,即知一切法中法性不可得。驮摩,秦言法。”
  3. 《佛学大辞典》【法】:(术语)法者梵云达磨Dharma,为通于一切之语。小者大者,有形者,无形者,真实者,虚妄者,事物其物者,道理其物者,皆悉为法也。唯识论以自体任持与轨生物解二义解法。自体任持者,谓竹有竹之自体,梅有梅之自体,有形者,有形之自体,无形者,有无形之自体,各保任维持其自体也。轨生物解者,谓如是既各有自体,皆为自体任持之状,然只限于有体,不能容无体,法者,兼摄无体,该尽一切也。唯识论一曰:“法谓轨持。”同述记一本曰:“法谓轨持,轨谓轨范。可生物解,持谓任持,不舍自相。”俱舍论光记一曰:“释法名有二:一能持自性,谓一切法各守自性,如色等性常不改变。二轨生胜解,如无常等生人无常等解。”大乘义章十曰:“法者,外国正音名为达磨,亦名昙无。本是一音,传之别耳。此翻名法,法义不同。汎释有二:一自体为法,二者轨则名法。”唯识述记二末曰:“法者,道理义也。有般涅槃之义,名般涅槃法。”
  4. How did the 'Ramayana' and 'Mahabharata' come to be (and what has 'dharma' got to do with it)?. [2021-05-26]. 
  5. Hiltebeitel, Alf. Dharma: Its Early History in Law, Religion, and Narrative. Oxford University Press, USA. 2011: 36–37. ISBN 978-0-19-539423-8 (英语). 
  6. Ṛgveda(Rigveda) - The Veda. [2021-05-26]. 
  7. * Inscriptions of Asoka. New Edition by E. Hultzsch. 1925: 56–57 (Sanskrit). 
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  11. Denise Cush; Michael York; Catherine Robinson. Encyclopedia of Hinduism. 2012: 455. For instance, if we find Hindi speakers talking of dharm, Bengalis of dhormo, and Tamils of tharumam, it is useful to know that these are all tatsama forms of the same Sanskrit word dharma. 
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  13. * Anshuman Pandey. Final proposal to encode Nandinagari in Unicode (PDF). [2021-05-28]. 
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  18. 吴昭新. 新编台湾闽南语用字彙编 (PDF). [2021-06-17]. 达:tat8 ……无、么、摩、磨:moo5 
  19. ta̍t 的发音: môo 的发音:
  20. * Georgios T. Halkias. When the Greeks Converted the Buddha: Asymmetrical Transfers of Knowledge in Indo-Greek Cultures. [2021-06-07]. Greco-Bactrian inscription at Jaḡatu, afghanistan, of the sanskrit refuge formula to the “three-jewels” 
  21. Budhist Terminology in Sogdian (PDF). 
  22. Georgios T. Halkias. When the Greeks Converted the Buddha: Asymmetrical Transfers of Knowledge in Indo-Greek Cultures. 2014 [2021-06-02]. In later bilingual Indian-Greek coins, dharma is equated with the Greek word dikē (δίκη), right or justice and is not restricted to eusebeia (εὐσέβεια). 
  23. Michaël Peyrot. Points of Tocharian Agramma (PDF). [2021-06-04]. 
  24. Mauro Maggi. A folio of the Ratnakūṭa (Kāśyapaparivarta) in Khotanese. 法鼓佛学学报. 2015 [2021-06-05]. 
  25. The Turkic Peoples of Central Asia and Buddhism. [2021-06-04]. Tremblay made the point that both the Uyghur and the Manichaean Sogdian terms were independently copied from spoken Buddhist Sogdian. The frequent usage of nwm for Skt. dharma instead of the Buddhist Sogdian loanword δrm in Uyghur Buddhist texts would point in the same direction: nwm 
  26. * Peter Zieme. The first leaf of an Old Uyghur 观无量寿经 Guanwuliangshoujing translation. Written Monuments of the Orient. 2020 [2021-06-05]. 
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  28. 庄吉发. 国立故宫博物院典藏《大藏经》满文译本研究. 东方宗教研究. 1990 [2021-05-26]. “法轮”,满文译作"nomun i kurdun"……“而为沙门,受佛法者”,满文译作"fucihi i nomun be aliha sarmana" ,意即“受佛法之沙门” 
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  30. * Heleen Plaisier. 3. Unravelling Lepcha manuscripts. [2021-06-02]. In the titles of Lepcha works......cho (book, learning)......These designations are obviously direct loans from equivalent categories in Tibetan literature......Chos......Indeed, a Lepcha book, referred to as cho, typically conveys a canonical message 
  31. * 台湾闽南语常用词辞典 - 法. [2021-05-26]. 
  32. David Wharton. Language, Orthography and Buddhist Manuscript Culture of the Tai Nuea – An Apocryphal Jātaka Text in Mueang Sing, Laos. University of Passau. 2018: 240 [2021-05-26]. 
  33. Stephen Morey. Ahom and Tangsa: Case studies of language maintenance and loss in North East India (PDF). Language Documentation & Conservation. 2014, 7 [2021-06-20]. 
  34. Marseille, Carmen Eva. Shan-Ni grammar and processes of linguistic change. 2019: 34 [2021-05-26]. 
  35. 35.0 35.1 * d'Hubert, Thibaut. A Persian Account of the Religious Customs of the Magh (Arakanese) from Early Colonial Bengal. Iranian Studies. 2018 [2021-06-03]. By the blessing of Tārā (i.e Dharma)......The term tārā transcribes the Arakanese/Burmese tarāḥ, which may be translated as "precept"or "law". This is the same term used by the Chakmas to designate the ritual texts called Āgar tārā, that the Luris used to recite on various occasions. 
  36. Vinodh Rajan. Aksharamukha : Script Converter. [2021-06-01]. 
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