


上述文档内容嵌入自Module:站台配置/doc编辑 | 历史
编者可以在本模块的沙盒创建 | 镜像和测试样例创建页面进行实验。
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs;
local yesno = require('Module:Yesno');
local tools = require 'Module:TableTools'
local railSystems = require 'Module:RailSystems'
local p = {}

local term = '落客-{zh-hans:站台;zh-hant:月台}-'
local dest = '終點站'

local function round(text, bg, fg)
	return text and string.format([[<span style="display: inline-block; position: relative;  width: 1.5em; height: 1.5em; line-height: 1.5em; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; border-radius: 50%%; background-color:%s; color:%s; font-size: 1em; font-weight: bold;"><span style="display: inline-block; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%%; height: 100%%;">%s</span></span>]], bg or 'black', fg or 'white', text or '') or nil

local function warn(content, value)
	if value then
	return value

local function stationLink(stn, system)
	if stn == '' or not stn then return nil end
	if stn == 'dest' or mw.ustring.match(stn, '[終终][点點]站') then return dest end
	if stn == 'term' or mw.ustring.match(stn, '落客[站月]台'  ) then return term end
	-- if format   then
	local str = system and system:getStation(stn):getLink() or stn
	return str
	-- else return stn
	-- end

function p.main(frame)
	local args = getArgs(frame, {removeBlanks = false})
	return p._main(args, frame)

function p._main(args, frame)
	frame = frame or mw.getCurrentFrame()
	local numData = tools.numData(args)
	local astyle = args.style
	local out = mw.html.create 'table'
		:addClass( "platform-config" )
		-- 都有class了还css干啥
		:cssText(nil and "border-collapse:collapse;width:99.5%;white-space:nowrap;box-sizing:border-box;")
	-- @nullable
	local systemName = args.system or args.s or args['系統'] or args['系统'] or nil
	-- @nullable
	local system = systemName and railSystems.System.load(systemName) or nil
	local complex = yesno(args.complex or args['進階'] or args['进阶'])
	if complex then
		out:addClass 'platform-config-complex'							 end
	for k, v in pairs(numData.other or {}) do
		local prefix, i, suffix = mw.ustring.match(k, '^(.-)(%d+)(.+)$')
		i = tonumber(i)
		if prefix and suffix and i then
			numData[i] = numData[i] or {}
			numData[i][prefix .. '|' .. suffix] = v
	-- 是否存在某一行有 pre 和 ap。
	-- 这两个变量会对所有的行生效。
	local prepend, append = false, false
	for i, item in tools.sparseIpairs(numData) do
		if item.pre then prepend = true end
		if item.ap then append = true   end
	for i, item in tools.sparseIpairs(numData) do
		local g = item.g or item['組'] or item['组'] or nil
		local group = nil
		if     not g then
		elseif mw.ustring.match(g, '[p台]')   then group = "platform" 
		elseif mw.ustring.match(g, '[t軌轨]') then group = "track"
		elseif mw.ustring.match(g, '[x文]')   then group = "text" end

		local style = item.style or nil
		local future = g and mw.ustring.match(g, '[f來来]')
		local tr = out:tag 'tr'
			:addClass ('platform-config-row platform-config-group-' .. tostring(group))
		if complex then
			tr:addClass 'platform-config-row-complex'					end
		if future then tr:css('opacity', '50%') end
		local border = {
			plt  = 'solid 2px black';
			pltx = 'solid 2px black';
			-- trk  = 'solid 1px lightgray'
		local text = item.text or item.t or item['文'] or nil
		-- 代表这一行的 pre 和 ap 的单元格。
		-- 如果所有行都没有 pre 和 ap,那么它们不存在。
		-- 如果有某一行有 pre 或者 ap,即使这一行没有指定,这个单元格仍会存在。
		-- 它们是 mw.html 对象,直接使用 :node 添加。
		-- 在 platform 和 text 模式下,即使 prepend 和 append 为 true,它们也不一定被添加,有可能被相邻单元格合并。
		-- 在 track 模式下,只要有 prepend 和 append,那么这两个单元格一定被添加。
		local td_pre, td_ap
		local prep = item.pre or nil
		local pres = item['pre|s'] or nil
		if prepend then
			td_pre = mw.html.create 'td':cssText( pres ) :wikitext( prep ):addClass 'platform-config-prep'
		local app = item['ap']
		local aps = item['ap|s']
		if append then
			td_ap = mw.html.create 'td':cssText( aps ) :wikitext( app ):addClass 'platform-config-ap'
		if group == "platform" then
			local should_span_to_pre = (prepend and not item.pre) and 1 or 0
			local should_span_to_ap = (append and not item.ap) and 1 or 0
			local colspan = 1 + should_span_to_pre + should_span_to_ap
			if item.pre then
			local bg = item.bg or item.background or item['背']
			local p = item.type or item.p or item[ '類' ] or item[ '类' ] or nil
			local type
			if not p then
				type = p
			elseif string.find(p, 'side')       
				or mw.ustring.match(p, '[側侧]')   then type = "side" 
			elseif string.find(p, 'split')
				or mw.ustring.match(p, '[離离]')   then type = "split"
			elseif string.find(p, 'narrow')     
				or mw.ustring.match(p, '[窄]')     then type = "narrow"
			elseif string.find(p, 'island')      
				or mw.ustring.match(p, '[島岛]')   then type = "island"
			elseif string.find(p, 'bay')          
				or mw.ustring.match(p, '[灣湾]')   then type = "bay"
			elseif string.find(p, 'wide')    
				or mw.ustring.match(p, '[闊阔]')   then type = "wide"
			else                                        type = nil        end
			if not type then
				if		g:find 's'	then type = 'side'
				elseif	g:find 'n'	then type = 'narrow'
				elseif	g:find 'i'	then type = 'island'
				elseif  g:find 'b'	then type = 'bay'
				elseif	g:find 'w'	then type = 'wide'
				else	type = p
			tr:addClass ('platform-type-' .. tostring(type))
			local bt = item['border-top'] or item.bt or item[ '上邊框' ] or item[ '上边框' ]
			local bb = item['border-bottom'] or item.bb or item[ '下邊框' ] or item[ '下边框' ]
			local bl = item['border-left'] or item.bl or item[ '左邊框' ] or item[ '左边框' ]
			local br = item['border-right'] or item.br or item[ '右邊框' ] or item[ '右边框' ]
			local maintd = mw.html.create 'td'
				:addClass 'platform-main-td'
			local maintdwkt = {}
			if type == "island" or type == "bay" or type == "wide" then
				if complex then
					tr:tag 'td'
						:css( 'border-top'   , bt )
						:css( 'border-left'  , bl )
						:css( 'border-bottom', bb )
						:css( 'background'   , bg )
					local prevItem = numData[i - 1] or {}
					-- @nullable
					local line_u = system and system:getLine(prevItem.l
									or prevItem['綫'] or prevItem['線'] or prevItem['线']) or nil
					local pu = prevItem['pd'] or prevItem['下台']
					local color_u = line_u and line_u:getColor(true) or '#000000'
					local rgb_u = { tonumber(string.sub(color_u, 2, 3), 16), tonumber(string.sub(color_u, 4, 5), 16), tonumber(string.sub(color_u, 6, 7), 16) }
					local text_color_u = (rgb_u[1]*0.299 + rgb_u[2]*0.587 + rgb_u[3]*0.114) > 186 and "black" or "white"
					-- out = out .. '<!-- ' .. rgb[1] .. ',' .. rgb[2] .. ',' .. rgb[3] .. ' -->'
					local pno_u = round(pu, color_u, text_color_u)
					local nextItem = numData[i + 1] or {}
					local line_d = system and system:getLine(nextItem.l
									or nextItem['綫'] or nextItem['線'] or nextItem['线']) or nil
					local pd = nextItem.pd or nextItem['上台']
					local line_color_d = line_d:getColor(true) or '#000000'
					local rgb_d = { tonumber(string.sub(line_color_d, 2, 3), 16), tonumber(string.sub(line_color_d, 4, 5), 16), tonumber(string.sub(line_color_d, 6, 7), 16) }
					local text_color_d = (rgb_d[1]*0.299 + rgb_d[2]*0.587 + rgb_d[3]*0.114) > 186 and "black" or "white"
					-- out = out .. '<!-- ' .. rgb[1] .. ',' .. rgb[2] .. ',' .. rgb[3] .. ' -->'
					local pno_d = round(pd, line_color_d, text_color_d)
					tr:tag 'td'
						:css( 'border-top'   , bt )
						:css( 'border-bottom', bb )
						:css( 'background'   , bg )
						:wikitext( pno_u .. '<br/>' .. pno_d )
					colspan = colspan + 4
				(complex and maintd or tr)
					-- :cssText( 'font-size:smaller;text-align:center;' )
					:css    ( 'background'   , bg )
					:css    ( 'border-top'   , bt )
					:css    ( 'border-bottom', bb )
					:css    ( 'border-left'  , complex and 'none' or bl     )
					:css    ( 'border-right' , complex and 'none' or br     )
					-- :css    ( 'height'       , complex and '3rem' or '2rem' )
				if type ~= "wide" and future then
					table.insert( maintdwkt , "未啟用" )
				if     type == "island" then
					table.insert( maintdwkt ,   '[[島式月台|島式-{zh-cn:站台;zh-tw:月台;zh-hk:月台}-]]'   )
				elseif type == "bay"    then
					table.insert( maintdwkt , '[[港灣式月台|港灣式-{zh-cn:站台;zh-tw:月台;zh-hk:月台}-]]' ) end
			elseif type == "side" or type == "split" or type == "narrow" then
				local dir
				-- dir = dn
				if p and (string.find(p, 'dn') or string.find(p, 'down') or string.find(p, '下')) then
					dir = 'down'
					tr:addClass 'platform-dir'
					bt = (bt or 'none')
					bb = (bb or border.plt)
				-- dir = up
				elseif p and (string.find(p, 'up') or mw.ustring.find(p, '上')) then
					dir = 'up'
					tr:addClass 'platform-dir-up'
					bt = (bt or border.plt)
					bb = (bb or 'none')
					tr:addClass 'platform-dir-none'
				if complex then
					tr:tag 'td'
						:css( 'border-top'   , bt )
						:css( 'border-left'  , bl )
						:css( 'border-bottom', bb )
						:css( 'background'   , bg )
					if dir == 'down' then
						-- @nullable
						local nextItem = numData[i + 1]
						-- @nullable
						local line_d = system and system:getLine(nextItem.l
										or nextItem['綫'] or nextItem['線'] or nextItem['线']) or nil
						local pd = nextItem.pu or nextItem['上台']
						local line_color_d = '#' .. (line_d:getColor() or '000000')
						local rgb_d = { tonumber(string.sub(line_color_d, 2, 3), 16), tonumber(string.sub(line_color_d, 4, 5), 16), tonumber(string.sub(line_color_d, 6, 7), 16) }
						local text_color_d = (rgb_d[1]*0.299 + rgb_d[2]*0.587 + rgb_d[3]*0.114) > 186 and "black" or "white"
						-- out = out .. '<!-- ' .. rgb[1] .. ',' .. rgb[2] .. ',' .. rgb[3] .. ' -->'
						tr:tag 'td'
							:css( 'border-top'   , bt )
							:css( 'border-bottom', bb )
							:css( 'background'   , bg )
							:wikitext( round(pd, line_color_d, text_color_d) )
					elseif dir == 'up' then
						local prevItem = numData[i - 1]
						local line_u = system and system:getLine(args.l
										or prevItem['綫'] or prevItem['線'] or prevItem['线']) or nil
						local pu = prevItem.pd or prevItem['下台']
						local line_color_u = '#' .. (line_u:getColor() or '000000')
						local rgb_u = { tonumber(string.sub(line_color_u, 2, 3), 16), tonumber(string.sub(line_color_u, 4, 5), 16), tonumber(string.sub(line_color_u, 6, 7), 16) }
						local text_color_u = (rgb_u[1]*0.299 + rgb_u[2]*0.587 + rgb_u[3]*0.114) > 186 and "black" or "white"
						-- out = out .. '<!-- ' .. rgb[1] .. ',' .. rgb[2] .. ',' .. rgb[3] .. ' -->'
						tr:tag 'td'
							:css( 'border-top'   , bt )
							:css( 'border-bottom', bb )
							:css( 'background'   , bg )
							:wikitext( round(pu, line_color_u, text_color_u) )
					colspan = colspan + 4
				(complex and maintd or tr)
					:cssText( 'height:1.25rem;font-size:smaller;text-align:center;' )
					:css    ( 'background'   , bg )
					:css    ( 'border-top'   , bt )
					:css    ( 'border-bottom', bb )
					:css    ( 'border-left'  , complex and 'none' or bl )
					:css    ( 'border-right' , complex and 'none' or br )
				if type ~= "narrow" and future then
					table.insert( maintdwkt , "未啟用" )
				if     type == "side"  then 
					table.insert( maintdwkt ,  '[[側式月台|側式-{zh-cn:站台;zh-tw:月台;zh-hk:月台}-]]'   )
				elseif type == "split" then 
					table.insert( maintdwkt ,'[[分離式月台|分離式-{zh-cn:站台;zh-tw:月台;zh-hk:月台}-]]' ) end
				colspan = colspan + 4
			local d = item.door or item.d or item['門'] or item['门']
			if     d == "左" or d == 'left' or d == 'L' or g:find 'l' then 
				maintdwkt[#maintdwkt + 1] = ',开左边门'
			elseif d == "右" or d == 'right' or d == 'R' or g:find 'r' then
				maintdwkt[#maintdwkt + 1] = ',开右边门'
			elseif d and mw.ustring.match( d, "上[左右]下[左右]" ) then
				local str = mw.ustring.gsub( d, "上([左右])下([左右])",
					' <div style="display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle;line-height:1.2em;">↑開%1邊门<br/>↓開%2邊门</div>' 
				maintdwkt[#maintdwkt + 1] = str
			elseif d   then maintdwkt[#maintdwkt + 1] = d    end
			maintdwkt [#maintdwkt + 1] = text or nil
			maintd:wikitext( table.concat( maintdwkt)  )
			if colspan ~= 1 then
				maintd:attr('colspan', tostring(colspan))
			if complex then 
				tr:tag 'td'
					:attr( 'colspan', '2' )
					:css ( "border-top"   , bt )
					:css ( "border-bottom", bb )
					:css ( "border-right" , br )
					:css ( "background"   , bg )
			if item.ap then
		elseif group == "track" then
			tr:node(td_pre or nil)
			-- unless above is platform pointing down, add bar
			local prevItem = numData[i - 1] or {}
			local nextItem = numData[i + 1] or {}
			local pg = prevItem.group or prevItem.g or prevItem['組'] or prevItem['组']
			local pp = prevItem['p'] or prevItem['類'] or prevItem['类']
			local ng = nextItem.group or nextItem.g or nextItem['組'] or nextItem['组']
			local common = g and mw.ustring.match( g, "[c共]" )  
			local nextcom = ng and mw.ustring.match( ng , "[c共]" )  
			-- if pg and pp and mw.ustring.match(pg, '[p台]') and ((
			-- 		(string.find(pp, 'dn')   or string.find(pp, '下')  )
			-- 		and (  string.find(pp, 'side')     or mw.ustring.match(pp, '[側侧]')  
			-- 			or string.find(pp, 'split')    or mw.ustring.match(pp, '[離离]')  
			-- 			or string.find(pp, 'narrow')   or mw.ustring.match(pp, '[窄]')    )
			-- 	) or (
			-- 			 string.find(pp, 'island')    or mw.ustring.match(pp, '[島岛]')  
			-- 		or string.find(pp, 'bay')       or mw.ustring.match(pp, '[灣湾]')  
			-- 		or string.find(pp, 'wide')      or mw.ustring.match(pp, '[闊阔]')  
			-- 	))
			-- 	or common then -- do nothing
			-- else style = (style or '') .. 'border-top:' .. border.trk end
			-- get line info
			local l = item.line or item.l or item['綫'] or item['線'] or item['线']
					or args.line or args.l or args['綫'] or args['線'] or args['线']
			-- @nullable
			local line = system and system:getLine(l)
			-- platform number
			local p = item.platform or item['p'] or item['台']
			-- 如果没有指定p,那么line_color、rgb和text_color的值都不会计算。
			local line_color = p and ('#' .. (line and line:getColor() or '000000')) or nil
			-- 以后有必要引入颜色变量解析
			local rgb = p and { tonumber(string.sub(line_color, 2, 3), 16), tonumber(string.sub(line_color, 4, 5), 16), tonumber(string.sub(line_color, 6, 7), 16) } or nil
			local text_color = p and (args.textcolor or args.tc or (rgb[1]*0.299 + rgb[2]*0.587 + rgb[3]*0.114) > 186 and "black" or "white") or nil
			-- out = out .. '<!-- ' .. rgb[1] .. ',' .. rgb[2] .. ',' .. rgb[3] .. ' -->'
			local pl = item.pl
			local pr = item.pr
			local pu = item['pu'] or item['上台'] or item['上号']
			local pd = item['pd'] or item['下台'] or item['下号']
			-- arrow direction
			local al = (item['al'] or item['左箭'])
			if     al and mw.ustring.match(al,'[l左]') then al = "L"
			elseif al and mw.ustring.match(al,'[r右]') then al = "R"
			elseif mw.ustring.match(g, '[l左]') and not al then al = "L"
			elseif al == '/' then al = nil								end
			local arrow_l = al and frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Arrow', args = {al or "L"} } or ''
			local ar = (item['ar'] or item['右箭'])
			if     ar and mw.ustring.match(ar,'[l左]') then ar = "L"
			elseif ar and mw.ustring.match(ar,'[r右]') then ar = "R"
			elseif mw.ustring.match(g, '[r右]') and not ar then ar = "R"
			elseif ar == '/' then ar = nil								end
			local arrow_r = ar and frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Arrow', args = {ar or "R"} } or ''
			-- al和ar将决定箭头是否显示
			local merge_down = string.find(g, 'md') -- unused
			local merge_up   = string.find(g, 'mu') -- unused
			-- if (args[ 'p' .. i ] or args[ 'pl' .. i ] or args[ 'pr' .. i ])
			--   and not (args[ 'pu' .. i ] or args[ 'pd' .. i ]) then
			--   local np = args[ 'p' .. i+1 ]
			--   if pp == 'side-dn' or pp == 'split-dn' or pp == 'narrow-dn'
			--     or pp == 'island' or pp == 'bay' or pp == 'wide' then pu = (al ~= "" and "l" or "r")
			--   elseif string.find(np, 'side') or string.find(np, 'split') or string.find(np, 'narrow')
			--     or np == 'island' or np == 'bay' or np == 'wide' then pd = (al ~= "" and "l" or "r") end
			-- end
			-- track text
			local ttxt = mw.html.create()
			local pre = (future and '未來' or '') .. (l and (line and line:getRichLink() or l) or '')
			local d1  = item['d|d1' ] or item['d'         ] or item['往'         ]
			local d1x = item['d|d1x'] or item['d|x'       ] or item['往|x'       ]
			local d2  = item['d|d2' ] or item['及往'      ]                       
			local d2x = item['d|d2x'] or item['及往|x'    ]                       
			local df  = item['d|f'  ] or item['未來往'    ] or item['未来往'     ]
			local df2 = item['d|f2' ] or item['未來及往'  ] or item['未来及往'   ]
			local n1  = item['n|d1' ] or item['n'         ] or item['下站'       ]
			local n1x = item['n|d1x'] or item['n|x'       ] or item['下站|x'     ]
			local n2  = item['n|d2' ] or item['另下站'    ]                       
			local n2x = item['n|d2x'] or item['另下站|x'  ]                       
			local nf  = item['n|f'  ] or item['未來下站'  ] or item['未来下站'   ]
			local nf2 = item['n|f2' ] or item['未來另下站'] or item['未来另下站' ]
			local direction
			if al and not ar then
				direction = 'left'
			elseif ar and not al then
				direction = 'right'		end
			local station_id = item.station or item.s or args.station or args.s
			local station = line and station_id and station_id ~= '' and line:getStation(station_id) or nil
			local dest1 = stationLink(d1, system)
			local condition = nil  -- 明确 condition 为 nil
			if not d1 and not dest1 and line and direction and (line.data.terminus or line.data.stations) then
				-- 如有可能,可以自动决定终点站
				local terminalStation = line:getTerminalStation(direction, nil, condition)
				if terminalStation then
					dest1 = terminalStation:getLink()
			local dest2 = stationLink(d2, system)
			local next1 = stationLink(n1, system)
			if not n1 and not next1 and line and station_id and direction and line.data.stations then
				-- 如有可能,可以自动决定临近车站
				local adjacent = line:getAdjacentStations(station_id, condition)
				if adjacent and adjacent[direction] then
					next1 = adjacent[direction]:getLink()
			local next2 = stationLink(n2, system)
			local destf = stationLink(df, system)
			local nextf = stationLink(nf, system)
			local destf2 = stationLink(df2, system)
			local nextf2 = stationLink(nf2, system)
			if dest1 or d1x then
				ttxt:wikitext(dest1 and '往' or nil):wikitext(dest1):wikitext(d1x)
				if destf then
					ttxt:tag 'span':css('opacity', '50%')
						:wikitext ' · 未来:'
				if dest2 or d2x then
					ttxt:wikitext(dest2 and '或' or nil):wikitext(dest2):wikitext(d2x)
					if destf2 then
						ttxt:tag 'span':css('opacity', '50%')
							:wikitext ' · '
			if next1 or n1x then
				local small = ttxt:tag 'small'
					:wikitext '('
					:wikitext((next1 or next2) and '下一站:' or nil)
				if nextf then
					small:tag 'span':css('opacity', '50%')
						:wikitext ' · 未来:'
				if next2 or n2x then
						:wikitext '或'
					if nextf2 then
						small:tag 'span':css('opacity', '50%')
							:wikitext ' · 未来:'
				small:wikitext ')'
			-- set left cell
			local td1 = tr:tag 'td'
				:addClass 'platform-arrow platform-arrow-left'
			if al and al ~= '/' then
					:cssText( common and "padding-top: 0;" or 
						nextcom and "padding-bottom: 0;" or nil)
					:wikitext( arrow_l )
				td1:css('visibility', 'hidden'):css('width', '0')
			local td2 = tr:tag 'td'
					:addClass 'platform-number platform-number-left'
			if not (pl or p or complex and (pu or pd)) then
				td2 :css( 'visibility', 'hidden'):css('width', '0')
				td2 :wikitext( round(pl or p, line_color, text_color) )
					:cssText( common and "padding-top: 0;" or 
						nextcom and "padding-bottom: 0;" or nil)
			-- set center cell
			local td3 = tr:tag 'td'
					:addClass 'platform-description'
					:cssText( common and "padding-top: 0;" or 
						nextcom and "padding-bottom: 0;" or nil)
					:node( ttxt )
			-- set right cell
			local td4 = tr:tag 'td'
					:addClass 'platform-number platform-number-right'
			if not (pr or p or complex and (pu or pd)) then
				td4 :css( 'visibility', 'hidden'):css('width', '0')
				td4 :wikitext( round(pr or p, line_color, text_color) )
					:cssText( common and "padding-top: 0;" or 
						nextcom and "padding-bottom: 0;" or nil)
			local td5 = tr:tag 'td'
				:addClass 'platform-arrow platform-arrow-right'
			if ar and ar ~= '/' then 
					:cssText( common and "padding-top: 0;" or 
						nextcom and "padding-bottom: 0;" or nil)
					:wikitext( arrow_r )
				td5:css('visibility', 'hidden'):css('width', '0')
			tr:node(td_ap or nil)
		elseif group == "text" then
			local should_span_to_pre = (prepend and not item.pre) and 1 or 0
			local should_span_to_ap = (append and not item.ap) and 1 or 0
			local colspan = 5 + should_span_to_pre + should_span_to_ap
			local cstyle = item.cstyle
			if item.pre then
			tr:tag 'td':attr('colspan', tostring(colspan))
				:cssText( cstyle )
				:wikitext( text )
			if item.ap then
	out:wikitext(frame:extensionTag {name = 'templatestyles', args = {src = 'Template:月台配置/style.css'}})
	return out
return p