

1818年条约,全称尊重渔业、边境和赔偿奴隶的协定(英语:Convention respecting fisheries, boundary and the restoration of slaves[1],是美国和英国于1818年在伦敦签定的条约。该条约解决了两国之间的大部分边境争议,并允许两国联合控制俄勒冈乡村地区(英国称之为哥伦比亚地区)。该条约使英国失去了如今美国本土上的最后一片地区。



  1. United States Department of State. Treaties In Force: A List of Treaties and Other International Agreements of the United States in Force on November 1, 2007. Section 1: Bilateral Treaties (PDF). Compiled by the Treaty Affairs Staff, Office of the Legal Adviser, U.S. Department of State. 2007. Washington, DC. 2007-11-01: 320 [2007-11-01] [2008-05-23]. 
  2. 2.0 2.1 LexUM. Convention of Commerce between His Majesty and the United States of America.--Signed at London, 20th October, 1818. Canado-American Treaties. University of Montreal. 2000 [2006-03-27].