
American Solidarity Party
主席马修·巴特科(Matthew Bartko)
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政党 · 选举

美国团结党(英语:American Solidarity Party,缩写为ASP)是美国的一个基督教民主主义政党[3],格言为“共同善性,共同立场,共同常识”("Common Good, Common Ground, Common Sense")[4]。党内倾向社会保守主义[5][6]经济分配主义[7],于堕胎、死刑和安乐死坚持生命自主的社会保守立场[8];以及反对同性婚姻反色情


  1. McPherson, David, The Politics of Solidarity: The Case for the American Solidarity Party, First Things, 29 July 2016 [29 July 2016] (英语), Founded in 2011, the American Solidarity Party (ASP) is the “only active Christian Democratic party in the United States,” though there are other such parties of long standing in Europe and Latin America. (Note: “Democratic” here does not mean “on the Left”; rather, these parties typically are seen as “Center-Right.”) 
  2. Longenecker, Dwight, This man says America’s ready for a centrist Christian party, Crux, 25 August 2016 [26 August 2016] (英语), The ASP is a centrist party. Conservatives love our pro-life stance, and moderates/liberals like our fiscal ideas. Unfortunately, both major parties have veered to the extremes of left and right. 
  3. Longenecker, Dwight. Is It Time for a US Christian Democracy Party?. Aleteia. 12 May 2016 [4 July 2016] (英语). 
  4. Longenecker, Dwight. Is It Time for a US Christian Democracy Party?. Aleteia. 12 May 2016 [4 July 2016] (英语). In 2011 the Christian Democratic Party USA was formed, and after the 2012 election it was re-named as the American Solidarity Party. Small political parties in the United States do not have a great track record, but given the choices available to Christians, the American Solidarity Party may offer a way to vote according to one’s conscience and according to their simple motto: Common Good. Common Ground. Common Sense. 
  5. Padusniak, Chase, Why You Should Vote Third Party, Intercollegiate Review (Intercollegiate Studies Institute), Winter 2015 [21 July 2016] (英语), For the socially-conservative American who thinks government intervention has some place in the economy, the American Solidarity Party might fit. 
  6. An Interview with David Frost and Kirk Morrison. Christian Democracy Magazine. [23 June 2016] (英语). There is a growing movement of people who adhere to Catholic Social Teaching and, because of that, find that they cannot find a home with either of the two major political parties in the United States. Their answer has been to form a political party based on Christian democratic principles. The name they have chosen is American Solidarity Party. ... Kirk, you have an article that will go into the first issue of Christian Democracy along with this interview. Christian democracy has been described as conservative on social issues and liberal on economic issues. 
  7. McPherson, David, The Politics of Solidarity: The Case for the American Solidarity Party, First Things, 29 July 2016 [29 July 2016] (英语) 
  8. Ferry, Stephen S., The American Solidarity Party is unequivocally pro-life, Crux, 21 September 2016 [22 September 2016] (英语) 
